How did you meet Nicholaus... and Jen??? This all seems odd and confusing to me
But I really want to know... if you don't mind.
Short story:
Barry got mad that i was going out with Jen and planned revenge tactics. This was before they dated each other... we were both courting her. So i found this forum in Octorber and emailed nick, and talked to him on Skype.... and met him once for new years. We live in the same city. He made me a mod for a while, but i have personal issues... and ill be a mod in a couple of weeks. I dont talk to Jen or Barry anymore.
That's interesting. So YOU planned revenge tactics or BARRY planned them??
Nice. I bet you fucked her before that pedophile went in there, or at least she wanted to fuck you. You can see it in her eyes.
She would always send me sexual txts, but she said if i wanted fucked her i would have to be her boyfriend and 'trust" me for months. The farthest i did was eat her pussy... she was a good girl. I left video production around late summer of last year.
This is my business,( just starting out):
its mostly my friends thou
what do you think of this music video i made months ago?
Very nice dude.
Right now I'm building my website, have no online portfolio. Most of the stuff is posted under record label accounts on youtube.
I moved to new york about a 2 years ago because i thought there was more opportunities.. but then i moved to hollywood... and now in in Dallas for college.
Jeremy is insane.. i wouldnt be suprised if he fucks super models. his a fucking animal. god he posted a pic of his dick on the other thread.. wtf?